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Books by Ellie Quigley

Preface. Acknowledgments. 1. Introduction to JavaScript. What JavaScript Is. What JavaScript Is Not. What JavaScript Is Used For. JavaScript and Events. What Versions? What Browsers? Where to Put JavaScript. JavaScript and Old or Disabled Browsers. JavaScript from External Files. Exercises. 2. Script Setup. The HTML Document and JavaScript. Syntactical Details. Generating HTML and Printing Output. About Debugging. Exercises. 3. The Building Blocks: Data Types, Literals, and Variables. Data Types. Variables. Bugs to Watch For. Exercises. 4. Dialog Boxes. Interacting with the User. Exercises. 5. Operators. About JavaScript Operators and Expressions. Types of Operators. Number, String, or Boolean? Datatype Conversion. Special Operators. Exercises. 6. Under Certain Conditions. Exercises. Control Structures, Blocks, and Compound Statements. Conditionals. Loops. Exercises. 7. Functions. What Is a Function? Debugging. Exercises. 8. Objects. What Are Objects? User-Defined Objects. Manipulating Objects. Exercises. 9. JavaScript Core Objects. What Are Core Objects? Array Objects. Array Properties and Methods. The Date Object. The Math Object. What Is a Wrapper Object? Exercises. 10. The Browser Objects: Navigator, Windows, and Frames. JavaScript and the Browser Object Model. Exercises. 11. The Document Objects: Forms, Images, and Links. The Document Object Model. Introduction to Forms. Introduction to Images. Introduction to Links. Exercises. 12. Handling Events. Introduction to Event Handlers. Event Handlers as JavaScript Methods. Handling a Window or Frame Event. Handling Mouse Events. Handling Link Events. Handling a Form Event. Handling Key Events: onKeyPress, onKeyDown, and onKeyUp. Handling Error Events. The event Object. Exercises. 13. Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching. What Is a Regular Expression? Creating a Regular Expression. Getting Control--The Metacharacters. Form Validation with Regular Expressions. Exercises. 14. Cookies. What Are Cookies? Creating a Cookie with JavaScript. Exercises. 15. Dynamic HTML: Style Sheets, the DOM, and JavaScript. What Is Dynamic HTML? What Is a Style Sheet? Types of Style Sheets. Where Does JavaScript Fit In? Exercises. A. JavaScript Web Resources. B. HTML Documents: A Basic Introduction. Intro to the Intro. What Is HTML? HTML Tags. The Minimal HTML Document. Character Formatting. Linking. Adding Comments. Case Sensitivity. Graphics and Images. Troubleshooting. Metatags, Cascading Style Sheets, and Java. Looking Behind the Scenes (or, What Did We Do Before the Right-Click?). What About Frames? Some Final Thoughts. C. CGI and Perl: They Hyper Dynamic Duo. What Is CGI? Internet Communication Between Client and Server. Creating a Web Page with HTML. How HTML and CGI Work Together. Log Files. Where to Find CGI Applications. Getting Information Into and Out of the CGI Script. Processing Forms with CGI. The Module. Exercise C.1. Exercise C.2. Index.
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