Free Shipping in the UK
Proud to be B-Corp

How can we help?

Shipping and Delivery

  1. Where is my order?

    Registered Customers - Your order's current status will be displayed in your Account Dashboard. You can find this by logging in through the 'My Account' area of the website.

    Guest Customers - We will keep you up-to-date by email at every stage of the dispatch process.

    For more details about our timeframes please visit the Shipping Information page.

    If you believe your order has not arrived within the timeframe please don't hesitate to contact us.

  2. Is my order tracked?

    Orders can come with tracking provided, but only for specific destinations.

    If your order has tracking, it is likely you will receive notifications from our delivery service provider (For example: Royal Mail for UK Customers).

  3. If I buy more than one product, will they be delivered together?

    While we do try to keep orders together, our stock is growing, so your items may be fulfilled from different warehouses to help ensure the quickest possible delivery.

    Your order may therefore be split into multiple packages.

  4. Can I change my delivery address?

    You can change your address at any time during the Checkout Process. However, orders are processed quickly once placed, so it may no longer be possible to change the delivery address.

    If you have made a mistake with your order, please get in touch as soon as possible and we will try and resolve any issues (our chatbot can speed this up for you).

  5. Which delivery company is my order being shipped with?

    Wob is a worldwide business and as such the delivery company will vary, depending on delivery address and if the service chosen is free or paid for. All free delivery orders in the UK will be shipped using Royal Mail. All free delivery orders in the USA will be delivered using the United States Postal Service. The paid for delivery for international orders will vary by country and delivery destination.

  6. Do you offer faster shipping?

    For an additional fee we offer express delivery and a tracked shipping service to certain destinations. These options will be offered to you during the checkout process.

    Please check our Shipping Information page for more details.

  7. New Books

    As we work with third party suppliers, some of our New Books may take an additional 5-7 days above our typical delivery timeframes, regardless of delivery method chosen at checkout.

    For more information around our timeframes, please see the Shipping Information page.

  8. Print on Demand books will be specifically created for your order. As such, we recommend an additional five days above our general delivery timeframes. You can still buy Priority Delivery for these items, which would come into effect as soon as the book has been printed.

Payments, Cancellations and Returns

  1. What payment methods are available?

    We accept payments by PayPal and by all major credit and debit cards (excluding American Express). Provided you have a compatible device or browser we are also able to take payment using Apple Pay or Google Pay.

  2. Can I cancel my order?

    We can only cancel an order if it hasn't yet been processed by our picking and packing department. Usually products are processed within a matter of hours, so this limits our ability to cancel an order before this time.

    If you have made a mistake with your order, please get in touch as soon as possible and we will try and resolve any issues (our chatbot can speed this up for you).

  3. What is your refund policy?

    We are happy to refund a product if it is defective, or within 30 days of purchase upon the return of your product. If you return a product to us and request a refund due to an error on our part we will be happy to pay for the postage cost to return it to us.

    Please note, if you are requesting a refund based on an issue with condition we kindly ask you to provide a photo in order for us to best advise a suitable resolution. Here you can find a copy of our full Condition Guidelines.

    If you have an issue with your order, please don't hesitate to Contact Us.

Our Stock

  1. What Condition will my order be in?

    A full explanation of the conditions in which we sell our stock can be found on the Condition Guide page.

  2. Will I receive a specific edition of the product?

    The images on our website 'are for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary', as stated in each item's product description.

  3. What language/region will my product be in?

    Wob has locations in both the United Kingdom and the USA. Most products will be in English, but we do also sell items in other languages. The language of a specific item will be detailed in its product description. Products are classified by region, so we expect our UK storefront to offer Region 2 items while our US store sells Region 1.

  4. How we source our books.

    We source much of our stock from charity shops, buying the titles they either don't want or haven't got space for.

    This prevents the charity from having to pay to destroy the books, and also means that when you buy books from us you're helping to support good causes - a great win-win!

    We also buy books via a website called Ziffit that's managed by our company group. It's a free service currently available in the UK and USA that people can use to value and sell the books they no longer need.

    Other sources we use to find our wonderful pre-loved books include libraries and book banks.

    If a book doesn't meet our high standards it's sent for recycling. No book is wasted.

Contact Us

Watson is our clever chat bot who will help you with anything you need (including sending messages to our team).

Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form to contact Customer Service, and someone will be in touch within 48 hours.