Free Shipping in the UK
Proud to be B-Corp

Shipping information

Christmas Shipping Information

Please note that all dates are subject to change according to our delivery suppliers' cutoff dates.

UK Christmas Delivery Cutoffs

Free Delivery: Friday 16th December
Fast & Tracked: Tuesday 20th December

RoW Christmas Delivery Cutoffs

Australasia: Sunday 27th November
North America: Wednesday 7th December
Western Europe: Saturday 3rd December
Rest of/Eastern Europe: Saturday 3rd December
Far East: Thursday 1st December
Middle East: Saturday 3rd December
Africa & Asia: Thursday 1st December
Central & South America: Thursday 1st December
Caribbean: Sunday 27th November

World of Books Delivery Options

UK Delivery

Economy Delivery: Free | Between 2-5 working days
Priority Delivery (1 to 5 items): £2.00 per order | Between 1-3 working days
Priority Delivery (6+ items): £4.00 per order | Between 1-3 working days

International Delivery

Standard service: £2.00 per item | Between 5-30 working days once shipped (delivery times and services used vary by destination)

Limited International Delivery due to the current situation we are unable to deliver to some countries, for the most up to date list please check the country selector within the checkout. If your country is not listed please check again soon as the situation is ever changing

Please note: parts of your order may be sent out from different warehouses, meaning if you order multiple items, they could come in different packages. This also applies to any orders with Old & Rare books or Vinyl, as they are handled from a separate warehouse to our books, DVDs & CDs.

If you have any questions about your delivery please read our frequently asked questions.

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